Propane Irrigation Proving Beneficial to California

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propane irrigation
Advancements in technology have made propane irrigation engines more and more attractive to California producers as they have become competitive with conventional engines.

Propane Irrigation Proving Beneficial

Cinch Munson with the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) says producers with gas irrigation engines aren’t the only one’s switching over. PERC has created some testimonials from California growers who have switched over to propane and are seeing the benefits. Watch California grower testimonials from PERC

PERC: Power Your Farm With Propane
Nearly 830,000 farms in the United States use propane, and with good reason. Propane is a clean-burning, reliable, and efficient energy source. Farmers can depend on propane to responsibly run their operations both in and out of the field.

Lower Costs
Farmers, like other businesses, are constantly striving to improve efficiencies and reduce costs. Propane offers several solutions that can help do just that. For instance, today’s propane-powered irrigation engines can cost considerably less to purchase than diesel irrigation engines, and they can reduce fuel costs considerably.

Abundant Supply
Propane is made in America, primarily from domestic natural gas, and we have plenty of it; in fact, the United States is a net exporter of propane, producing more than we actually use.