Producers Learn About Exporting

Taylor HillmanGeneral

export worshop
Some Central California growers, wineries, and other food producers learned about exporting at a recent workshop. Sabrina Hill has more.
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Some Central California growers, wineries, and other food producers learned about exporting at a workshop put on by the Center for International Trade Development and the Fresno Food Expo. It featured speakers from the center, as well as export experts from three countries – Canada, Mexico, and China. Beth Pomper specializes in launching U-S foods overseas, and Canadian products in the US. She discussed the opportunities California companies have in the Canadian markets.
export worshop
Pomper said Canada is a very good first step for companies that want to start exporting because of the proximity and English is one of the two national languages.
Growers and producers who missed the workshop can still learn more about exporting either at the Fresno Food Expo in March, or through the Center for International Trade Development.
Click here for the Fresno Food Expo.
Click here for the Center for International Trade Development.