Some problems you might encounter when growing your own vanilla beans. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Thankfully, Vanilla beans only have a few pests and diseases to watch for when your growing your own at home. One of the most significant hardships in caring for a vanilla plant is Root Rot. So be sure you don’t overwater your vanilla bean plant. Because it’s a type of orchid, they prefer dry spells between watering sessions. Keep this in mind when watering your plant or if you begin to see signs of a struggle.
The only pests that will try to bother your vanilla plant are snails and slugs. They like to munch on the roots and leaves of the plant. If they’re a bother, consider sprinkling some diatomaceous earth around the base of the plant, or coffee grounds or crushed eggshells. Every plant has certain plants that they thrive when planted near. The best companions for a vanilla bean plant are: Banana plants and Arrowroots. Vanilla plants also have specific plants that should be avoided. These plants are peas and beans.
Listen to Cathy Isom’s This Land of Ours program here.