
Poultry and Soy Groups in Cuba This Week

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

container-cargo-ship-docked-in-havana-bay-poultry cuba weekA delegation representing American poultry and soybean groups is in Cuba on a trade mission this week. The group represents the first mission to Cuba funded by the soybean checkoff since America first began normalizing trade relations with the country earlier this year. U.S. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack said the U.S. Department of Agriculture will allow 22 industry-funded ag research and promotion programs to conduct research and analysis activities in Cuba. Since limited ag trade with Cuba was first permitted in 2000, the country is now the fourth biggest export market for American poultry products. The Cuban poultry and egg industries also consume more than half of the soybean meal produced in America. The delegation will meet with soybean, poultry, and egg industry representatives to get a better feel for the food distribution system in Cuba and to talk about biosecurity, food safety, and nutrition issues. The delegation also includes representatives from U.S. poultry and egg companies, cold storage and logistics providers, export companies, and shipping lines.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.