PMA Issues Statement of the Country-of-Origin Labeling Amendments Act

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Bryan Silbermann, CEO of Produce Marketing Association, today issued the following statement in advance of consideration of H.R. 2393, the Country-of-Origin Labeling Amendments Act of 2015:

“Produce Marketing Association’s members supply the global marketplace with affordable and abundant fresh produce year-round and, as a result, they are dependent upon an international trading system which is fair, transparent and reliable. PMA appreciates the leadership of Chairman Conaway in quickly advancing legislation to address the World Trade Organization’s ruling on Country-of-Origin Labeling for beef, pork and poultry. Because of retaliatory threats toward fresh produce from the U.S., this adverse ruling threatens to jeopardize over $1 billion in produce exports to Canada and Mexico through direct impact of tariffs which will make exports uncompetitive, but also through the uncertainty that this will create for long-term contracts. We urge Congress to act quickly to approve H.R. 2393.”

Read more in a letter that PMA sent Congressional leaders today. Produce Marketing Association is the largest trade association representing companies in the fresh produce industry globally with more than 2,700 member companies in 45 countries. The association’s members operate at every level in the supply chain from growing to shipping, processing, distribution, wholesaling, retail, and foodservice. In the United States, PMA’s members handle more than 90 percent of fresh produce sold to U.S. consumers.