
Planting and Harvesting Bamboo for Different Uses

DanSpecialty Crops, This Land of Ours

plantingIn the first part of her series, Cathy Isom told us about the bamboo plant, with some of its uses. Today Cathy fills us in about how to plant Bamboo and when to harvest it. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Planting and Harvesting Bamboo for Different Uses

Bamboo is renowned for growing plentifully and quickly, but it does require particular care when planting. The root ball should be planted as close to the same depth from which it was dug as possible, and that is likely very close to the surface of the ground. Unsteady plants should be staked. It’s also important to keep it very well watered and also mulched. Mulching around the bamboo will keep weeds at bay, help the soil stay moist, and allow the bamboo to spread quickly.

When it’s being grown for food, the best time to harvest is in the springtime. Basically, with a sharp knife, shoots that have reached about six inches should be cut just below the ground. Tender ones can be kept for food, and tougher shoots can be left on the ground to rot. Or, for those harvesting large bamboo for timber, the process takes three or four years. As for garden stakes and the like, those can be taken whenever the bamboo is big enough.

I’m Cathy Isom…