fruit trees

Plant Fruit Trees in Your Yard

DanFruits & Vegetables, This Land of Ours

fruit treesIf you don’t have them in your yard, you may want to consider getting some. What, you ask? Cathy Isom fills you in today about why you should plant fruit trees in your yard and how to do it. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Plant Fruit Trees in Your Yard

Fruit trees are perennial plants that typically live for at least a couple of decades. In some cases, close to a century. So it makes sense to mix in one, two, or a few when planning your harvest. In terms of food production, this is fantastic news because trees don’t require nearly as much attention as raised bed gardens.

Planting fruit trees provides tons of food over the years. The good news is that some trees begin to bear in as little as a couple of years. In addition to the trees being beautiful, all those flowers and fruits attract loads of birds, bees, and butterflies.

It’s important to know that not all types of fruit trees thrive in all environments. For example, citrus trees will struggle in colder climates and will be relegated to containers that can be moved indoors during the winter. Conversely, cherry trees aren’t going to dig the heat of Florida. Choosing a good tree for the local climate makes growing them easier.

The trees should be bought and planted when dormant before there are leaves or flowers. Once in the ground, all grass should be removed from around the trunk, at least a couple of feet. Also, the area should be mulched heavily.

Finally, trees will benefit from having lots of other plants around them, so it might pay to add some aromatic culinary herbs, bulbs, and berry shrubs around and between them.

I’m Cathy Isom…