Pistachio Day Draws Large Crowd, Again

Taylor HillmanSpecialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

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Large crowds again attended University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources’ Statewide Pistachio Day in Visalia. This years session was expanded to a full day of information and attendees heard about a variety of topics.

Cooperative Extension Specialist Dr. David Goldhamer told growers how the future of irrigation in pistachios will rely heavily on remote sensing, mainly focusing on thermal imagery. Although the means to do so is not quite developed, Goldhamer says this technology could make irrigation more efficient than ever.

Growers and pest control advisers also heard the latest about bushy-top syndrome, ipm management strategies, chill accumulation research and some interesting results from new pistachio cultivars. Cooperative Extension Advisor Craig Kallsen showed attendees results from two new cultivars that could be available to growers soon. One male cultivar in particular showed it could be a better match for the Kerman female variety than the current Peters variety.

UC ANR has made all of the talks available online. Click here to watch the videos and stay with AgNet West for more news from the sessions.