I'm Mark Oppold with an American Agriculture History Minute. In 1850, it's estimated that it took 75 to 90 labor hours to produce 100 bushels

Perdue: No Signs Mexico Will Buy South America’s Corn, Soybeans

DanIndustry News Release

cornWhile in Mexico Friday, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said he has no indication that Mexico will buy corn and soybeans from Argentina and Brazil or other countries. Perdue met with counterparts in Mexico to discuss trade and told reporters following the discussion that it was understandable Mexico would make inquiries to other nations, but he sees no signs of them going through with the purchases, according to the Hagstrom Report. Perdue’s comments were counter to testimony the U.S. Grains Council gave to the House Agriculture Committee last week regarding the upcoming North American Free Trade Agreement renegotiations. USGC said there are indications Mexico is seriously looking for alternative suppliers for not just corn but other grain products. The Council says Mexico could purchase from Argentina or Brazil beginning in August or September. Overall, Mexico and Canada represent nearly one-third of the total U.S. ag exports.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.