
Secretary Perdue Commends the Resiliency of American Farmers

Brian GermanAgri-Business

It has been a trying year for some American farmers.  Along with battling the typical disease and pest pressures, many producers around the country suffered through hurricanes, wildfires and drought conditions.  The devastation experienced by many producers highlights the value of farm protection programs.

American Farmers“It is a resilient industry, but they need a safety net and USDA is there,” said United States Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue.  “That’s what the farm bill does.  The 2018 reauthorization will provide a better-balanced safety net in that, particularly cotton, dairy, and others.”

A discussion surrounding the concept of climate change often comes about in the wake of catastrophic weather events.  Climate change is a particularly sensitive subject for California farmers due to the state regulations that have been imposed to address the issue.  Perdue noted that no one is as concerned about weather patterns than those who rely on it to support themselves and their families. “Farmers have dealt with climate change their whole career, from week to week and from year to year and month to month,” said Perdue.

American farmers have a long tradition of working through and overcoming whatever challenges may arise during a growing season.  The agriculture industry is only as strong as the men and women who put in long hours growing quality produce.  “I’m just proud we’ve got people in this country who will put a great portion of their equity in the ground every year to see if they can produce the food and fiber and fuel for not only America but the world,” Perdue stated.