japan trade pence

Pence, Ross, to Talk Trade with Japan

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

japan trade pence
Vice President Mike Pence and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross will travel to Japan to discuss trade later this month. The duo is scheduled to travel to Tokyo on April 18th. The U.S. officials will meet with Japan’s finance, foreign and industry Ministers. Japan is the top export market for the U.S. pork industry, and the National Pork Producers Council has urged the Donald Trump administration to begin negotiations on a free trade agreement with Japan. Republican Representatives Adrian Smith of Nebraska and Ted Yoho of Florida also recently introduced a House Resolution asking the administration to start the process of establishing a free trade agreement with Japan. Congressman Smith said the U.S. “cannot afford” to miss the opportunity to reduce trade barriers with Japan, “especially for U.S. agriculture producers.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.