Peanut Butter and Caffeine

DanFeatures, This Land of Ours, Tree, nut & vine crops

Peanut Butter
The Peanut Butter with a pick-me-up. Cathy Isom tells us why the FDA may have a problem with it.

Peanut Butter and Caffeine

From Food Safety News

FDA Wants More Information on Caffeinated Peanut Butter Safety

STEEM is a caffeinated peanut butter being sold in retail stores and online. Its makers say that STEEM is made with natural peanut butter and contains no artificial sweeteners.

“Oh, and as much caffeine as two cups of coffee, so stick with the normal serving suggestions for the best effect,” they add.

peanut butterAccording to the label, STEEM is made with “natural” peanut butter (peanuts and salt), organic agave nectar, peanut oil and natural caffeine (from green coffee extract). There’s 1,200 mg. of caffeine in a jar of STEEM and 150 mg. per serving.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just might have a problem with that. On Dec. 15, FDA sent a letter off to STEEM Peanut Butter Inc. in Greenfield, MA, requesting more information about the manufacturer’s use of caffeine in peanut butter.

The agency noted that it is “concerned about the marketing of a peanut butter, a food popular with many children, containing added caffeine.”

FDA stated that in media reports STEEM has said that it plans to “behave responsibly,” but the company has yet to submitted to FDA any information about the safety of using caffeine in its peanut butter product. FDA said that it needs the information it is requesting to determine whether the product meets applicable scientific and legal standards for lawful sale in the U.S.

The agency remains concerned about the increasing number of products on the market containing added caffeine and the possibility for harmful effects when multiple caffeinated products are eaten simultaneously, especially in products that are attractive to children.

FDA intends to continue monitoring the marketing of these novel food products in order to ensure public health and the integrity of the regulatory system designed to protect the food supply.

From website

Added Caffeine in Peanut Butter

FDA Statement on Added Caffeine in Peanut butter

The FDA is concerned about the marketing of a peanut butter, a food popular with many children, containing added caffeine. The company has indicated in recent media reports its desire to behave responsibly, but has not submitted to the FDA any information about the safety of its use of caffeine in its peanut butter product. On Tuesday December 15, 2015 the FDA sent a letter to  the company, STEEM Peanut Butter, Inc., requesting they provide us with information about their use of caffeine in peanut butter. This information will help us determine whether their product meets applicable scientific and legal standards for the lawful sale in the U.S.

The FDA remains concerned about the increasing number of products on the market containing added caffeine and the possibility for harmful effects when multiple caffeinated products are eaten simultaneously, especially in products that are attractive to children.  The FDA will continue monitoring the marketing of these novel food products in order to ensure public health and the integrity of the regulatory system designed to protect the food supply.

From STEEM website

What is STEEM?

STEEM is caffeinated peanut butter. What else do we need to say? STEEM is designed to provide a consistent release of sustained energy and the naturally slow digestion of peanut butter is the key to that. STEEM delivers protein, electrolytes, and caffeine, granting you hours of endurance and focus, and freeing you from distractions like hunger and fatigue.

What’s in this stuff?

peanut butterSTEEM is made with natural peanut butter, and no artificial sweeteners. Oh, and as much caffeine as two cups of coffee, so stick with the normal serving suggestions for the best effect. Enjoy it however you would normally enjoy peanut butter: spread it on crackers, toast or fruit; re-acquaint yourself with the simple perfection of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich; or just jam a knife or a spoon or a finger into the jar and eat it like you do when no one’s looking. Yes you do. Yes, you do.

Who is STEEM for?

STEEM’s steady release of energy (without the jittery feeling) makes it perfect not only for athletes and active people, but also for normal life. How about never having to choose awful breakroom coffee because you don’t want to spend more on caffeine than you spend on your lunch? How about having enough energy to finish that backyard project in one day instead of putting it off for another weekend? How about when an all-night study session has suddenly become the morning of the test? How about never having to bring that damn percolator on camping trips just so you can avoid that crippling noontime caffeine headache? How about not worrying about nodding off in meetings, or in class, or at the wheel? How about just having the energy to get going when you need it?

One last thing…

Do Not Give To Animals. Ever. Fun fact: a lot of domestic animals, like dogs and cats and birds, cannot digest caffeine properly and it can lead to serious health issues. We know that your dog loves peanut butter and we know you think it’d be hilarious to get him all jacked up and crazy, but don’t. Seriously. It would not be hilarious.
STEEM = People Food.