parasitic wasp

Parasitic Wasps Released in Asian Citrus Psyllid Project in Santa Clara County

DanCitrus, Industry News Release

by CDFA Office of Public Affairs
parasitic wasp
CDFA has initiated the release of tiny parasitic stingless wasps in Santa Clara County as part of the Asian citrus psyllid project there.

The wasps, called tamarixia radiata, control psyllid populations by parasitizing their egg masses. Once a population of wasps is released, successive generations are capable of flying up-to eight miles in search of Asian citrus psyllids.


A magnified photo of tamarixia radiata, a tiny stingless wasp utilized in the Asian citrus psyllid program. The actual size of the wasp has been compared to fleas or particles of dust.
(Courtesy CDFA)

This approach is one of many examples of CDFA pursuing biological control methods in its pest prevention programs.

In this video shot yesterday in San Jose, CDFA’s Dr. David Morgan discusses the program and then introduces the wasps to Santa Clara County agricultural commissioner Joe Deviney. Following that, Dr. Morgan and Deviney release the wasps on a property containing grapefruit, tangerine and kumquat trees.