Vilsack to Congress: Ag Research Necessary

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The Agriculture Secretary continues to urge for more money for agricultural research, and says there will be a penalty if the funds aren’t found. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to Open…

Farm Bureau Urges New Ag Labor Program

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The American Farm Bureau Federation talks to congress about a new ag labor guest-worker program. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to Open or Download Audio Report American Farm Bureau Federation President…

Awaiting Answers on Farm Bill

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…new farm bill passed once the extension expires in September. Congress now has three months to get the nation’s budget in order and finalized, or face another fiscal cliff situation….

NFCF Statement on Farm Bill Extension

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…saying it appreciates Congress’s action to avert tax increases. But quote “At the same time, it is truly unfortunate that Congress could not come together this year to enact a…

Ag Groups Respond to Farm Bill Extension

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Some ag groups are lashing out about the farm bill extension passed earlier this week by congress. That extension could have a negative effect on some California farmers. Sabrina Hill…

CFBF Welcomes Committee Appointments

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…joining Rep. Jim Costa, D-Fresno. In the previous Congress, California had three representatives among the 46 members of the Agriculture Committee. Wenger said he hopes the four Californians on the…

Senate Passes Russia Trade Bill

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Both houses of Congress have now approved giving Russia most favored nation trade status, which should boost ag exports. Rod Bain has the story. Click to Open or Download Audio…

New GOP Members on Ag Committee

Taylor HillmanGeneral

House Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas announced the new Republican Members who are expected to serve on the Committee in the 113th Congress. Click to Open or Download Audio Report…