DWR April Snowpack Totals Report

Taylor HillmanDrought, Water, Weather

…percent of the March 30 historical average. Frank Gehrke, chief of the California Cooperative Snow Surveys Program, and his survey team measured snow that was 58.4 inches deep at Phillips…

Almond Board: Summer Weed Management

Taylor HillmanAlmond Update, General, Specialty Crops

…necessary, consider sequential applications to extend pre-emergent control to summer grasses. UC Cooperative Extension weed specialist Dr. Brad Hanson said that managing for herbicide-resistant weeds requires monitoring and record-keeping to…

Annual Post-Harvest Pest Control Seminar

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Industry News Release

…California, Davis Spencer Walse, USDA-ARS, San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Sciences Center; Parlier, California MODERATOR: Mary Lu Arpaia, Ph.D., University of California Cooperative Extension, Subtropical Horticulturalist, is based at the Kearney…

Johnsongrass Target of New Research

Taylor HillmanPest Update

Courtesy: UC ANR A collaboration across the United States is looking to find new solutions to an old issue with johnsongrass. Johnsongrass is an ongoing issue in many different areas,…

Agri View: Bee Gone

DanAgri View, General

…located in Sioux City, Iowa founded in 1921. More than 35 million pounds of honey are processed at the Sioux City and Anaheim, California plants comprised of a cooperative of…