Agri View: Pollinators Habitat

DanAgri View, Environment, Weather

Everett Griner talks about the affect climate change is having on pollinators and their habitat in today’s Agri View. Pollinators Habitat From: Beependent Bee Informed! Learn about the current issues…

Food Waste Goals

DanEnvironment, General, This Land of Ours

…our everyday trash, about 21 percent of the waste stream. Reducing food waste will help the United States address climate change, as 20 percent of total U.S. methane emissions come…

Agri View: Chocolate Pleasure

DanAgri View, Drought, Specialty Crops

…respond to climate conditions in the coming decades, the researchers brought together climate projections from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report with rainfall and temperature data from…

New Regulations for Groundwater Management

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…recharge (Water Code §10733.2) which will help prepare communities for a changing climate and future droughts. High and medium priority groundwater basins identified as critically over-drafted must be managed under…

Conserve Energy and Save Costs

DanEnergy, Industry News Release

…efficiency solutions has been one of the most important components of USDA’s climate mitigation investments,” Vilsack said. “Nationwide, Americans are lowering their carbon footprint and energy bills by being more…

People’s Garden

DanGeneral, This Land of Ours

…garden can help unite neighborhoods in a common effort and inspire locally-led solutions to challenges facing our country – from hunger to climate change. USDA Headquarters People’s Garden On Lincoln’s…

Agri View: Weather Losses

DanAgri View, Weather

…benefit from a changing climate). The agricultural sector continually adapts to climate change through changes in crop rotations, planting times, genetic selection, fertilizer management, pest management, water management, and shifts…