Climb in Beef Prices Slowing

Taylor HillmanCattle, General

The climb in cattle and beef prices is slowing a bit at the moment due to some market uncertainty. Gary Crawford has more. Click to open or download audio report…

Backlash from M-COOL Rule

Taylor HillmanCattle, General, Poultry

The new M-COOL rules bring harsh backlash from major livestock organizations. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to open or download audio report. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, the National Pork Producers…

Increase of Cattle in Feedlots

Taylor HillmanCattle, General

It could come as a surprise to some.There’s an increase of cattle placed in feedlots – up from March of last year according to USDA’s latest Cattle On Feed Report….

Beef Prices to go Up

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The latest cattle report shows the smallest amount of cattle in the last 17 years. Consumers can expect that to be reflected at the grocery story. Gary Crawford reports. Click…

CA Man Wins Beef Quality Assurance Award

Taylor HillmanCattle

A California man receives a national award during the 2013 Cattle Industry Convention held in Florida. Sabrina Hill has more. Click to Open or Download Audio Report Dr. John Maas…