Women in Agriculture Seminar Series This Week

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…At 9:30 a.m., students hear from Stacy Whitener, Chief Administrative Officer, Pecan Grove Farms; and Charlene McLauchlan, District Sales Manager, Elanco Animal Health. They will discuss how to find a…

Wetter Winter Helps Ranchers Offset Lower Prices

Taylor HillmanCattle

…increased sales at the retail level. It’ll just have to come at a cheaper price.” Though U.S. exports slowed in 2015 because the stronger dollar made American products, including beef,…

Superbowl: Avocados

Taylor HillmanFeatures, This Land of Ours

…Avocados Though people think that avocado sales peak on holidays like the Fourth of July or Cinco de Mayo, avocados actually experience their greatest demand on Super Bowl Sunday. In…

Agri View: Agriculture Future

DanAgri View, Education, General

…in management and business within the food, ag and related segments. Positions will range from ag loan officers, farm labor and marketing specialists to land use managers and sales and…

Agri View: Pork Exports Up

DanAgri View, Hogs & Pork

Everett Griner talks about pork exports and Japan consuming more pork in today’s Agri View. Pork Sales Up From U.S. Meat Export Federation U.S. Pork Events Draw Very Positive Media…

Agri View: Drones-Technology Driven

DanAgri View, Technology

…The drones are capable of spraying crops with more precision than a traditional tractor, which reduces costs, and potential pesticide exposure to workers who might have otherwise sprayed the crops….