California Ag Headlines for September 25

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…19 million pounds for the calendar 2013 harvest cycles, significantly up from S&W’s prior year production of 2.8 million pounds. S&W Seed Company is a global agricultural company, headquartered in…

California Crop Update

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…than last year. Gala apple harvest has finished; Fuji and Granny Smith harvests continued. Pomegranate harvest is also progressing. Olives continued to size on trees. The European pear harvest is…

Juice Grape Harvest

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Mechanical grape harvesting of juice grapes is underway in the Central Valley. Some growers are reporting reduced brix content, probably due to the long hot spell with no sustained breaks…

Class 44 Selected for Leadership Program

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…per fellow to participate in the program, which is underwritten by individual and industry donations. Ag Leadership is considered to be one of the premier leadership development programs in the

Ag Theft a Growing Problem

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Grain, Specialty Crops

It will soon be harvest season for the state’s rice crop, and growers in California’s biggest rice growing areas are dealing with a growing problem: Ag theft. Sabrina Hill speaks…

Family Farm Wins Against Development

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…is known for its peach, prune and walnut orchards. The 96‐acre Pamma‐Larkin property is home to five different types of peaches: Stanislaus, Bowen, Andross, Arakelian and Late Ross. Harvested peaches…

Desalination, Water Purification Research Projects Funded

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Corn, Cotton, Energy, Environment, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Industry News Release, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops, Water

…challenges.” The funding was provided through Reclamation’s Desalination and Water Purification Research Program. Through this program, Reclamation works in partnership with entities to develop more cost-effective and efficient ways to…

Not Everyone Happy with COOL Rule

Taylor HillmanCattle, General, Poultry

Back in May USDA issued a new rule for Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling to bring the U.S. into compliance with a World Trade Organization finding that the program violated…