Plans May Change for Hog Producers

Taylor HillmanCattle, General

…sows farrow over the next six months, but the new USDA corn stocks and plantings reports may change those plans. Gary Crawford reports. Click to open or download audio report….

USDA Planting Report

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The USDA’s Prospective Plantings and Grain Stocks reports are out. Rod Bain gives us a quick look at some of the highlights. Click to open or download audio report….

Wenger Says Nitrates a Big Issue for 2013

Taylor HillmanGeneral

California Farm Bureau President Paul Wenger says nitrates are a top concern for California growers this year. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to open or download audio report. AgNet West caught…

USDA March Prices Report

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…shows, on average, both crops and livestock products selling for more than last year, but there are some exceptions. Gary Crawford has more. Click to open or download audio report….

Wenger Says Not to Let Up on Legislators

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…to open or download audio report. California Farm Bureau President Paul Wenger spoke at the Outlook 2013 Conference held by the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. He…

Beef Prices to go Up

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…smallest amount of cattle in the last 17 years. Consumers can expect that to be reflected at the grocery story. Gary Crawford reports. Click to open or download audio report….

No Meat Inspector Furloughs Coming

Taylor HillmanCattle, Poultry

…Secretary to transfer funds to keep meat inspectors on the job. That news is certainly welcomed by the meat industry. Gary Crawford reports. Click to open or download audio report….

Heat Illness Training

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Heat illness prevention training will begin soon around the state. Sabrina Hill has more. Click to open or download audio report. The first in a series of seminars to help…

Even Less Water for Central Valley Farmers

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Water

…percent. The general manager of Westlands Water District, Thomas Birmingham, says the water supply reductions facing farmers will devastate the local communities and that local communities face more than $1…

Secretary Ross Optimistic about CA Ag

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…by the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. Sabrina Hill was there and has this report. Click to open or download audio report. Growers, farm managers, and others…

Growers Speak at Water Hearing

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Water

A group of Central California growers are now waiting to hear if their testimony at a public hearing in Sacramento will make a difference when it comes to their water…

Weather Means Worry For Growers

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Weather experts say Western growers should be prepared to deal with more water supply issue this growing season. Gary Crawford has more. Click to open or download audio report….

Ag Day at the State Capitol

Taylor HillmanGeneral

It was a rainy Ag Day at the State Capitol, still hundreds of people took part. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to open or download audio report….

California Agriculture Important to the Nation

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Agriculture and national security – one California ag commissioner says the two are related. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to open or download audio report. Monterey County Ag Commissioner Eric Lauritzen…