Some Benefits of Bugs

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Bugs often get a bad rap, but there are many insects that are beneficial to society. Julie McPeak has more. Click to open or download audio report…

Drought Areas Expanding

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Concerns are being voiced about the expansion of drought into more crop areas over the last month. Gary Crawford reports. Click to open or download audio report…

Vilsack Tells Brazil Payments Will Be Late

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The US Ag Secretary is in Brazil, partly to explain why the US will have problems paying off a debt. Susan Carter Explains. Click to open or download audio report…

Vilsack: Visit in Brazil “Productive”

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…to Brazil has been productive. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack the first American Ag Secretary to visit Brazil’s capital since 1994. Susan Carter reports. Click to open or download audio report…

The Future of Farming

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The new faces that are taking over the farming reins around the nation are gradually starting to emerge. Susan Carter has the story. Click to open or download audio report…