Research on Huanglongbing Looks Promising

Taylor HillmanCitrus, General

New research lead by UC Riverside associate professor Hailing Jin could help in the future of preventing Huanglongbing disease. Her research showed that several ribonucleic acids from affected plants could…

China Closes Doors to California Citrus

Taylor HillmanCitrus, General

…As of late last week, China is no longer accepting citrus shipments from California – due to the finding of the citrus disease brown rot in several shipments. So far…

Time to Vaccinate Horses for West Nile Virus

Taylor HillmanCattle

…muscle twitching and inability to stand. Horses contract the disease from carrier mosquitoes. Over the past 10 years, approximately 40 percent of horses infected with West Nile Virus died or…

2013 Almond Bloom Underway

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Tree, nut & vine crops

…this week, growers are arming themselves – and their trees – with fungicides. According to the Blue Diamond Bloom Report, nearly all available disease remedies work on the basis of…

Better Safety Rating for U.S. Beef

Taylor HillmanCattle

…is recommending the United States be dropped to the lower “negligible” risk classification for bovine spongiform encephalopathy, also known as Mad Cow Disease. US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack says…

Citrus Research Bill Dies In Senate

Taylor HillmanCitrus, General

A bill that would have provided funds for research into citrus greening disease has died in the senate. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to Open or Download Audio Report The bill…