Agri View: 2016 Farm Outlook

Dan Agri View, General

…disease has resulted in unmarketable fruit throughout Florida and elsewhere. California has historically accounted for a large portion of U.S. vegetable and fruit/nut cash receipts, and continued drought conditions may…

Agri View: PETA Blasts FFA

Dan Agri View, General

…gets to the dinner table and by-products enhance our lives, and that youth in agriculture are the future of food security around the world. Agricultural education and the FFA experience…

California Winegrape Crush Down from 2014

Taylor Hillman General, Wine

…to push close to 4,000,000 tons crushed annually”, states Jeff Bitter, vice president of Allied Grape Growers. In addition to the winegrape crush, 70,711 tons of table type grapes along…