Almond Prices Expected to Climb

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…message for growers. The entire U-S almond crop is grown here in California…which generates about four billion dollars. And California almonds make up 80-percent of the entire world almond production….

Another Drop for Cotton

Taylor HillmanCotton, General

California cotton farmers may be seeing less pay in 2013. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to Open or Download Audio Report In fact, cotton producers nation-wide are expected to reduce cotton

Citrus Research Bill Dies In Senate

Taylor HillmanCitrus, General

…was attached to a larger one that would have reauthorized trust funds for the wool and cotton industries. All three are now without that funding. Citrus greening disease has been…

Trying To Predict the Future of Ag

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…the worst drought since the ‘30’s, driving production of many crops in the nation down, and driving up prices for those crops. That effected dairy, egg and livestock ranchers here…

Orange Production Drops, But Not in CA

Taylor HillmanCitrus, General

The US Department of Agriculture has released it’s forecast for 2012-2013 orange production. Sabrina Hill has more. Click to Open or Download Audio Report The USDA says production throughout the…

CA Turkey Farmer Finalist in Competition

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…ways to maximize production while minimizing expenses. You can watch the entire video with Tim Nilsen, just go to and click onto the New Faces of Farming and Ranching….

Cotton Plowdown in Fresno County

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…not planted to cotton this season. If re-growth does occur during the host-free period in 2013, the grower/landowner will be cited for a violation of cotton plowdown regulations. Be sure…

Agriculture Needs Science, Study Says

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…food and agricultural research and development has been devoted to food manufacturing – not areas that directly increase agricultural production. For a link to the USDA’s news release, click here….

CDFA Explains Milk Pricing

DanCattle, General

…largest dairy state in the country and a world leader in production. Due to significant changes in the marketplace in recent years and months, interest in the milk pricing structure…