Agri View: Bee Gone

DanAgri View, General

…That same problem occurs in states like Iowa and Nebraska, once high producers of honey. But in recent decades the agri-industry choice to maximize profit by planting corn and soybean

Agri View: Foreign Trade

DanAgri View, General

…semi-processed high-value products (eg., wheat, soybeans, and soybean meal). In the other high-value product categories-raw products and processed products-high-income countries remain the largest U.S. markets, followed by the upper middle-income…

Agri View: GMO Production

DanAgri View, General, Technology

…and non-GM corn and soybeans. (We don’t actually use the term “GM” or “GMO” since all domesticated crops have been genetically modified, but am using the acronym for the sake…

Agri View: GMO Foods Ruling

DanAgri View, General, Technology

…of oleic acid than conventional soybean oil must be labeled “high oleic soybean oil.” Also, soybean oil containing significant levels of stearidonic acid must be labeled “stearidonate soybean oil” because…

TPP Report on Impacts to Agriculture

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…and egg market for the first time. Also, for the first time in any U.S. trade deal, the agreement specifically covers agricultural biotech goods. Over 90% of corn, soybean, and…

Agri View: Pork Exports Up

DanAgri View, Hogs & Pork

…Funding support was provided by the USDA Market Access Program (MAP) and the Nebraska Soybean Board. One very effective event – a U.S. pork “Washoku Seminar” and blogger lunch –…

Commodity Classic Releases Mobile App for 2016 Event

Taylor HillmanTechnology

…at “This tool is a great feature and will certainly come in handy for those attending Commodity Classic,” said event Co-Chair Sam Butler, a soybean grower from Alabama. “With…