Judge Orders Nationwide Stay of WOTUS Rule

Taylor Hillman General

…Association Scott Yager, NCBA environmental counsel, discusses the Sixth Judicial Circuit’s stay of WOTUS Implementation: Beltway Beef – Scott Yager Philip Ellis, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association president said this action…

Japanese Journalists Get Look at U.S. Beef Industry

Taylor Hillman General

…visited offices of the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF), the National Cattleman’s Beef Association (NCBA), research facilities at Colorado State University (CSU) and cattle-production operations in Colorado. Funding support for…

Administration Places Politics Over Producers

Taylor Hillman Cattle

…this administration in continuing to press forward with rules that have a profound impact on industry, without consulting those affected, is appalling,” said NCBA President and Chugwater, Wyoming, cattleman, Philip…

Trade Promotion Authority Passes House

Taylor Hillman Cattle

…the President in negotiations, and then requires any deal be brought back for final approval,” said Philip Ellis, NCBA President. “TPA does not give the President free rein to make…