Agri View: GMO Production

DanAgri View, General, Technology

…$28.00 $28.00 Hauling $25.00 $25.00 Drying $60 $60 Land Rent $150 $150 Total Cost of Inputs $585/ac $615/ac BPA=bushels per acre 186 BPA 221 BPA Current cash price/bu (Salisbury, MD)…

Agri View: Women and Modern Agriculture

DanAgri View, General

…this literature confirms that women are just as efficient as men. They simply do not have access to the same inputs, productive resources and services. Some studies compare labour productivity…

Agri View: GMO Foods Ruling

DanAgri View, General, Technology

…a new canola oil had increased lauric acid content compared to conventional canola oil, we required the oil to be labeled “laurate canola oil.” Similarly, soybean oil containing higher levels…