USDA Announces Building Blocks for Climate-Smart Agriculture

DanCattle, Citrus, Cotton, Drought, Education, Energy, Environment, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Industry News Release, Special Reports, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Technology, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables, Water

…Support rotational grazing management, avoiding soil carbon loss through improved management of forage, soils and grazing livestock. By 2025, USDA plans to support improved grazing management on an additional 4…

Cotton Acreage May be Lowest Since the 1920s

Taylor HillmanCotton, Water

…25th annual meeting in Visalia there were three reasons for the lowest total cotton acres planted since the 1920s. “Water, prices and competing crops are the reasons cotton planting is…

Pump Add-on Can Save Money

Taylor HillmanDrought, Energy, Water

…that curve equals a change in price a grower is paying to operate the pump, and most of the time that number increases. A flow meter can warn operators as…

Western View: Estate Tax Planning

Taylor HillmanFeatures, Western View

…However, California real estate prices are higher than the average price paid for farmland elsewhere. Many farmers are land rich and cash poor, and if that land has taken a…