Packinghouse Field Manager Training for ACP

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

Adult Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, (2-3 millimeters long) on a young citrus leaf. Photo courtesy of USDA by David Hall.
Packinghouse field managers are invited to attend an Asian citrus psyllid training meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 16 at the Bear Club in Reedley or Thursday, Sept. 17 at Café Lafayette in Exeter. Field managers may attend the meeting that is most convenient to them.

Hosted by California Citrus Mutual, in partnership with the Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Program (CPDPP) and the California Department of Food and Agriculture, the meetings will discuss ways packinghouse representatives who work in the field and/or interact with field crews can help prevent the spread of the Asian citrus psyllid. Victoria Hornbaker, citrus program manager for the CPDPP will also be available to answer questions. Field managers may attend the meeting that is most convenient to them. Both meetings begin at noon and lunch will be provided.

In light of the recent discoveries of Huanglongbing in San Gabriel, and in preparation of the harvest season, it is important that everyone in the industry work together to protect California citrus. Please encourage field managers, or other appropriate packinghouse representatives, to attend this important meeting you can RSVP to Alyssa Houtby at or 559/592-3790.