fruits and nuts Fresh pluots (Prunus salicina - armeniaca)

Pacific Region Fruit & Nut Review

DanFruits & Vegetables, Industry News Release, Tree, nut & vine crops

Fresh pluots (Prunus salicina - armeniaca) fruit
California non-citrus fruits and nuts: In Madera County, apricots and pluots were harvested. Orchards continued to be mowed and/or sprayed for weeds. In Fresno County, growers reported continued mitigating practices for mildew in grapes and for mold and mildew controls on tree fruit orchards. Bunch closure stage occurred for grapes. Almond growers reported limb-breaking crops, with orchard cleaning and mildew spraying continuing. Walnuts were sprayed for coddling moth and mites. Pistachio orchards exhibited heavy nut set and growers continued to spray for weeds.

In Stanislaus County, orchards, vineyards, and row crops were all irrigated by drip, flood, or sprinklers. Olives were sprayed for weed control. The cherry harvest was completed in many counties by month’s end. In Fresno County, rain during mid-month caused cherries to crack and rot came into sight. Stone fruit trees were thinned and the harvest of early varieties of peaches and nectarines began. Miticide was applied to almond orchards. In Tulare County, the early variety peach, nectarine, and plum harvest tapered off by mid-month, with fruits being packed and shipped to local and foreign markets. Stone fruit exports remained strong throughout the month. Mid-season varieties of stone fruit approached maturity. Reflective plastic was placed in some orchards to help get more sun to the fruit and promote color.

Grape vines had some leaves pulled to improve air flow and sun light, and were being trellised. Olives were pruned and irrigated and began to size up. Some olive groves were removed due to the lack of water resulting in continued low yields. Pomegranate trees had set fruit. In Tulare County, new almond and pistachio trees were planted. In Merced County, almond growers reported that the almond hull split on the Nonpareil variety began after mid-month. Pistachios were still in shell hardening and were expected to be easing into the kernel fill phase next. Overall, hull split sprays have begun on a wider basis, with more applications anticipated. Blueberry harvest had slowed. Avocado harvest was ongoing. Fig growers began preparations for harvest of the second crop. Wine grapes in the Central Valley approached veraison. Table grape harvest continued.

Read the full report.