More than one million acres have been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the latest signup for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). USDA’s Farm Service Agency notes that 1.19 million acres had been offered during the recent General CRP enrollment period. A total of 1.01 million acres were determined to be acceptable. “This year’s General CRP signup demonstrates the value and continued strength of this voluntary conservation program, which plays an important role in helping mitigate climate change and conserve our natural resources,” FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux said in a press release.
The enrollment period lasted from February 27 through April 7. The enrolled acres will be confirmed later this year and the start date for Program Year 2024 will be October 1, 2023. Producers will need to establish a conversation plan prior to that date. Some producers can opt not to enroll some acreage that has been accepted during that window of time. FSA notes that the average annual rental rate for the enrolled acreage will be $64 per acre.
Landowners will establish long-term plans for growing approved grasses and trees to help control soil erosion and improve soil health and water quality on farmland. Offers for new land for the General CRP signup totaled about 295,00 acres. Re-enrollment submissions totaled 891,000 acres, according to FSA. Overall CRP acreage is expected to continue to increase with Grassland CRP acreage being accepted. Offers for 761,000 acres have also been submitted this year for Continuous CRP.
“Today’s announcement is one of many enrollment and partnership opportunities within CRP, including opportunities through our working lands Grassland CRP, Continuous CRP, and Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP),” said Ducheneaux. “USDA will continue working to ensure producers and landowners have the information they need to take advantage of the options that work best for their operations.”

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West