
Ontario Proposes 10 Percent Ethanol Mandate

DanEnergy, Industry News Release

ontarioThe government of Ontario is proposing changes to biofuels regulations, including increasing the current five percent ethanol mandate to ten percent in 2020.

Advanced Biofuels Canada notes that a 10 percent ethanol mandate is likely to see sales of E15 and higher blends to meet the new average. The organization says the proposal will create expanded job and growth opportunities for Ontario’s agricultural, forestry, and waste sectors.

Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor says if finalized, the proposal will be “a win for Canadian consumers.” In March, Growth Energy filed comments to Canada’s Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, focusing on including ethanol in the development of Ontario’s fuel standard. The comments claimed that the easiest way to reduce greenhouse gas and other harmful emissions is to increase ethanol blended gasoline at a minimum of ten percent.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.