
One of Three Major U.S. Drought Areas Will Improve

DanDrought, Industry News Release

one drought areas
The U.S. Drought Monitor shows roughly 11 percent of the contiguous United States is under what it calls “severe, extreme, or exceptional” drought. The areas where the drought continues to be in control include three different areas of the country. Rebecca Lindsey is the Managing Editor of Climate dot Gov, and she said one of the more prominent drought areas includes the southeast United States. That area has been in the news as wildfires have recently burned over 80,000 acres of land. Southern California has been suffering from a drought for the past five years and it continues today. Northern New England also has a good-sized portion of its land mired in a drought as well. As far as any potential relief goes in any of those areas, Lindsey said it’s on the way for only one of those three hot spots. “Of the country’s hardest-hit areas, only inland areas of New England are likely to improve throughout the month,” she says. “In the Southeast and Southern California, drought-stricken areas are likely to persist or worsen, and possibly expand.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.