
Nut Shipments Showing Varied Trends in Recent Months

Brian GermanAlmonds, Industry, Nuts & Grapes, Pistachios

Nut shipments showed varied trends in the month of May. The Blue Diamond Almonds Market Report shows that almond shipments were 226.1 million pounds in May, which denotes a 16 percent increase from last year. The report states that it was the second-strongest May on record.

nut shipments

Domestic shipments improved by one percent over last month, but the figures show an increase of 19 percent from last year. While the report noted that exports were down about 9 percent from the month prior, overall exports are still up 14 percent over last year with 160.4 million pounds exported.

Meanwhile, nut shipments in May were not as positive for other crops. The Meridian Growers’ May Pistachio Shipment Report noted a 16 percent decrease in shipments from the previous year. Despite that, year-to-date shipments are up 42 percent. Domestic pistachio shipments have increased slightly. However, international markets still account for 80 percent of all pistachio shipments.

Listen to the report below.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West