NPPC Year in Review

Taylor HillmanCattle, General, Hogs & Pork

Year in Review
As the year comes to a close, the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) provides a look back at the agriculture issues of 2015 and a preview of 2016. Micheal Clements reports.

The year saw a full plate of issues for agriculture and NPPC made significant progress on several issues, according to spokesperson Dave Warner. Warner says many of the efforts by pork producers this year proved successful.

The omnibus spending bill passed this month included a host of agriculture issues, including repeal of mandatory country-of-origin meat labeling in the U.S.  In the same month, Canada and Mexico were authorized to impose tariffs on U.S. products, including pork and the countries vowed to move forward with the tariffs unless COOL was repealed.

Looking ahead to 2016, one of the top issues for agriculture and NPPC will be the ‘Waters of the U.S.’ rule by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers. The rule went into effect in August of this year but is on hold by a federal court, for now. Other major issues in 2016 include the Trans-Pacific Partnership and reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act.