AFBF Duvall: Nomination of Robert Lighthizer for USTR

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

Robert Lighthizer


“The American Farm Bureau Federation looks forward to working with United States Trade Representative nominee Robert Lighthizer. Mr. Lighthizer has had a long and distinguished career in trade, working in the White House, Senate and private sector to assure favorable trading conditions for American goods and services.

“America’s farmers and ranchers know unfair regulations, steep tariffs and senseless non-tariff barriers undermine our exports. We must work together to remove these obstacles to prosperity and identify new global opportunities that will benefit American agriculture.

“Economic growth in rural America depends on maintaining and increasing access to markets outside the United States. Since more than 95 percent of the world’s population lives outside our borders, expanding access to international markets is essential for our future success. We trust Mr. Lighthizer will work tirelessly to assure it.”

Zippy Duvall, President, American Farm Bureau Federation