The Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program is starting their requirements for nitrogen reporting, and one region in California is the pilot area for the process.
The East San Joaquin County Water Quality Coalition will be the guinea pig, so to speak, for nitrogen reporting with the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP). Stanislaus County Farm Bureau Executive Director Wayne Zipser says the timeliness for the reporting has been the biggest issue but he believes that once all of this is said and done, the industry might be pleasantly surprised by the numbers.
Zipser says they are the first group to do this, and all the other groups in the state will be going through the same process soon.
Do you need to be in the Program?
From the Central Valley Water Quality Control Board: All commercial irrigated lands, including nurseries and managed wetlands, are required to obtain regulatory coverage. Regulatory coverage is not required if a property is not used for commercial purposes, or if commercial irrigated lands are covered under the Dairy Program. Options for regulatory coverage include joining a coalition group, obtaining coverage as an individual grower under general WDRs, or obtaining an Individual Permit. The coalition groups work directly with their member growers to assist in complying with requirements by conducting monitoring and preparing regional plans to address water quality problems.
Failure to obtain regulatory coverage may result in the Central Valley Water Board assessing an administrative civil liability against you. Administrative civil liability can run as high as $1,000 per day for every day of violation. Irrigated Lands staff is available to assist you in obtaining the proper regulatory coverage. Find your local coalition and more information about the ILRP here.