
NFU Urges a No Vote on Health Care Plan

DanIndustry News Release

health careThe National Farmers Union says the latest health care reform effort from U.S. Senate leadership will not improve access to affordable and quality healthcare for family farmers and ranchers.

NFU President Roger Johnson sent a letter to members of the Senate asking legislators to vote against the plan, known as the Graham-Cassidy Health Care Plan. Johnson also says NFU will score the vote. The National Farmers Union is calling on Congress to use a more transparent and bipartisan approach to improving healthcare. “The NFU’s member-driven policy affirms the right of all Americans to have access to quality healthcare,” Johnson says. “The Graham-Cassidy bill would make health care less affordable for family farmers and ranchers.” Some of the provisions the NFU is concerned about including the elimination of the current structure for tax credits, cost-sharing reductions, and subsidies for out-of-pocket costs. Johnson says the proposed plan would create instability in the markets and force insurance carriers to raise their premiums.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.