
New Resource for Science-Education Available from USDA

Brian GermanIndustry, Radio Reports


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has a new online resource available aimed at providing additional science-education. The new AgLab tool from USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is now available for students and educators alike. Educational resources are geared toward k-12 students that have an interest in food and science. The new AgLab resource builds on the success of USDA’s previous educational outlet Sci4Kids.

Students have the opportunity to learn about the essential relationship between science and agriculture. Some of the features include a series of instruction-based experiments, with subjects highlighting food fluorescence and soil erosion. There is also an interactive map that shows what types of ARS research is currently being conducted. The online resource also has a “20 for 30” tool highlighting STEM career paths by featuring young ARS researchers and their work.

Listen to the radio report below.

New Resource for Science-Education Available from USDA