san joaquin

New Report Released on Delta Drought Response Pilot Program

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Water

The Delta Conservancy’s report on their 2023 Delta Drought Response Pilot Program reveals mixed results in testing drought-resistant field management practices in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The program involved 61 projects across 18,450 acres, where Delta farmers tried various water conservation methods, like crop changes, reduced irrigation, and creating bird habitats by flooding fields.

Delta Drought Response

Key findings include that water savings were inconsistent, especially in low-elevation areas, while higher elevations showed more potential. Factors like crop type, soil, and local flooding also influenced results. The report suggests that future water conservation efforts need to balance water savings with environmental goals, like supporting wildlife.

“The Delta Drought Response Pilot Program advances our understanding about water conservation across the Delta. The Office of the Delta Watermaster is greatly appreciative of the Department of Water Resources for funding this study, and we thank all partners for their collaborative efforts with other State Agencies, Delta water users, research partners, and other contributors,” Delta Watermaster Jay Ziegler said in a news release. “Our office is committed to further advancing our shared understanding of consumptive use of water in the Delta through the work of the Delta Measurement Experimental Consortium, along with other partnerships.”

The program was funded with $10.8 million from the Department of Water Resources and involved collaboration with multiple agencies and universities. Remote sensing technology, like OpenET, was used to measure water use, and ongoing studies will continue to refine these methods for better drought responses in the future.

Listen to the report below.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West