A new rule that’s being proposed could drastically alter how farmers are implementing the use of drones in their operations. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is proposing a new rule that will require any drone user to connect to the internet and broadcast a signal to alert others of its presence and identification. The requirement for internet connectivity poses significant challenges for agriculture, as many rural areas still do not have adequate broadband access that would be needed to conform to the regulation.
American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) noted that nearly a third of U.S. farms and ranches do not have access to the internet. Another issue raised by AFBF, is that the regulation would ground many drones that farmers and ranchers currently own because they do not meet the rule’s specifications. In comments to the FAA, AFBF pointed out that drones have become an important tool for farmers and ranchers in managing their crops and livestock and making important business decisions.
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