New Prune Varieties Ready to Take the Next Step in the Development Process

Brian GermanFruits & Vegetables, Radio Reports

The Prune Breeding Program at UC Davis has three new promising items that are ready to take the next step in the development process. Manager of the Breeding Program, Sarah Castro said they will be working with grower collaborators on the new selections. In the research so far, each of the items have provided very encouraging results.

“Our program has three items that we’re looking to have larger scale plantings put in of. We’re hoping to get maybe as much as three one-acre parcels put up in the north state,” Castro explained. “There’s I12S-6, I14N-25, and J2N-127. These are all items that have great promise in the industry with low dry-away ratios, good harvest dates, and trees that have the potential to reduce pruning.”

Listen to the radio report below.

New Prune Varieties Ready to Take the Next Step in the Development Process
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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West