
New Management Practice Proposals Being Accepted for AMMP

Brian GermanAgri-Business

The California Department of Food and Agriculture’s (CDFA) Office of Environmental Farming and Innovation (OEFI) has begun to accept new management practice proposals to consider as part of the Alternative Manure Management Program (AMMP). Since the program was developed in 2016, the number of practices eligible for support has increased as a result of coordination between CDFA and the California Air Resources Board (CARB).

New Management Practice

“CDFA has heard from several stakeholders about innovative manure management technologies that might fit into AMMP and offer more options for dairy and livestock operators to meet California’s aggressive methane reduction goals by 2030,” CDFA Secretary Karen Ross said in a news release. “We are committed to collaborating with stakeholders, CARB, academic researchers and sister state and federal agencies for the continued evolution of this Climate Smart Agriculture program.”

Any new management practice that is proposed will need to be in line with the overall mission of AMMP and adhere to several guidelines. New technologies proposed will need to be ready to deploy on a commercial scale and must not involve any proprietary products or equipment.  Research supporting the proposed concept will also need to be included in the submission, as well as analytical data referencing any environmental impacts of the practice.

New management practice proposals will need to be submitted by Friday, September 4. Requirements for the proposals, along with information on the process for consideration is available online through the AMMP webpage. Scientific staff from OEFI will consult with CARB and the AMMP Technical Advisory Committee in evaluating any submitted proposals. The practices which show the most potential for achieving reductions in greenhouse gas emissions will be announced and become available for public comment sometime in January 2021.

AMMP is part of California Climate Investments, which incorporates projects such as renewable energy, environmental restoration, increasing sustainable agriculture, among others. CDFA received 79 applications requesting $50.8 million in grant funds for 2020 AMMP projects.

About the Author

Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West