New Congress Targeting Regulations

DanIndustry News Release

new congress
With a new Congress seated in Washington, D.C., the Republican-led majority will push to roll back government regulations put in place by the Barack Obama administration. While much is mundane bureaucratic language, the Waters of the U.S. rule could join the list. The WOTUS rule by the Environmental Protection Agency is currently blocked by the courts as challengers seek to have the rule thrown out. If Congress were to block the rule, the court cases would no longer be needed. Meanwhile, organizations included in the lawsuit against the rule have argued the case should be forwarded to the U.S. Supreme Court for consideration. For now, much of the focus in Congress though will be on the Midnight Rules Act and the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny, or REINS Act. According to USA Today. The REINS Act would require that before any new major regulation could take effect, the House and Senate would have to pass a resolution of approval. The Midnight Rules Act would let Congress invalidate rules in bulk that passed in the final year of a presidential term.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.