New Apple Varieties

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Tree, nut & vine crops

It’s time for apple harvest and the fact that Americans love apples is no surprise. What is surprising is how in a relatively short period of time, new apple varieties have changed consumers’ perception of an old-fashioned fruit.
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Apples are no longer a fruit to be taken for granted with the advent of new apples introduced by growers like Rainier Fruit Company. Varieties such as Honeycrisp, and brand apples like Lady Alice® and Junami(TM), have sparked a new generation of enthusiasts, and changed what consumers are willing to spend on a coveted, delicious apple.

Since its introduction, the Honeycrisp has far exceeded expectations and captured the imagination of retailers and consumers alike. Washington state is expecting a 13% increase in Honeycrisp volume this year over last year and double the volume just three years ago. Honeycrisp has quickly become a consumer favorite and nationally it’s one of the top five selling varieties during prime apple season, September through March, contributing 15% of the apple category retail dollars and 9% of the volume. Honeycrisp also garners a higher price than most other apple varieties, frequently selling for $1.00 more per pound. Given that a consumer is willing to spend that much for an apple shows a change in apple buying preferences.