
NCBA: KORUS “Tore Down” Trade Barriers, Helped Increase Beef Exports

DanCattle, Industry News Release, Trade

ncbaNational Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) President Kevin Kester released the following statement in response to the signing of the modernized Korea-United States Trade Agreement (KORUS):

“KORUS is a prime example of how U.S. producers benefit from trade agreements that reduce tariffs and implement science-based standards. Less than a decade ago, U.S. beef exports to South Korea were severely limited by a 40 percent tariff and a host of non-tariff trade barriers. KORUS tore down those barriers, helping turn South Korea into a leading destination for U.S. beef. In fact, exports to South Korea accounted for over $1 billion annually over the last two years. We applaud President Trump for his leadership in improving KORUS for other sectors and we know that a modernized KORUS agreement will allow U.S. producers to continue focusing on what we do best: Providing safe, high-quality beef for Korean families to enjoy.”

Source: National Cattlemen’s Beef Association