NCBA Applauds Conclusion of Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations

Taylor HillmanCattle

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association has learned that the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations have successfully concluded today in Atlanta. NCBA President and Chugwater, Wyo., cattleman, Philip Ellis said this agreement will boost U.S. exports and eliminate trade barriers.

“While the full details of the partnership will not be released until the President presents it to Congress, cattle producers are assured this is a true 21st century agreement,” said Ellis. “The TPP will immediately reduce tariffs and level the playing field for U.S. beef exports to these growing markets. TPP is a major win not only for the beef industry, but for all U.S. export products, growing the economy while supporting jobs and investments in agriculture and technology.”

Beef exports currently add over $350 to each head of cattle sold in the U.S. With the completion of this work, NCBA looks forward to increased demand and growth for beef exports across the Pacific Rim. Through the partnership process with these 11 other nations, beef producers were able to secure the best deal possible to address tariff and non-tariff trade barriers to beef exports, surpassing individual country arrangements.