National Turkey Market-at-a-Glance



The market on frozen hens and toms is steady with a steady to firm. Demand and offerings light. Frozen Grade A basted equivalent processor offering prices on a national basis for hens 102.00-110.00 cents fob and 16-24 lb. toms 102.00-110.00 cents fob for current deliveries. No current negotiated trading reported for current shipments. Trading light on frozen basted equivalent hens and 16-24 lb. toms at 108.50 cents fob July.

The market on white meat and white trims is steady to firm. Demand moderate to good. Offerings light and held with confidence. The market on institutional sized breasts is steady with a firm undertone. Demand moderate. Offerings very light to light. The market on 4-8 lb. breasts is steady with a steady to firm undertone. Demand and offerings light. The market on tom 2-joint wings is steady to firm, balance of tom bulk parts generally steady. Demand light to good, mostly light to moderate. Offerings very light to moderate with tom 2-joint wings the least available. The market on thigh meat is steady. Demand light to moderate. Offerings light to moderate, mostly light. The mechanically separated turkey market is steady. Demand mostly moderate. Offerings light. Trading slow.


Trading slow. The market is generally steady with some buyer resistance reported on the higher asking prices. Demand light to moderate. Offerings light.

Provided by: USDA/AMS Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News Tuesday May 20, 2014