
National Farmers Union DC Fly-in This Week

DanFarm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

National Farmers Union members head to Capitol Hill this week at a critical time for agriculture issues. NFU is hosting 350 farmers as part of a fly-in event. The farmers will meet face-to-face with top Trump administration officials and members of Congress.

nationalThe fly-in kicks off Wednesday with an event at the Department of Agriculture. On Thursday and Friday, participants will visit all 535 congressional offices to meet with members of Congress.

The event comes as the farm bill conference committee works to complete the farm bill for final passage, with some suggesting that the bill must be completed this week to be passed on-time before current legislation expires at the end of this month. Through the farm bill, NFU members will press lawmakers to support family agriculture, strong protections from international trade market disruptions, and expansion of the American grown biofuel market.

Source: National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.