
National Farmers Organization Talks NAFTA

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

nationalThe National Farmers’ Organization took its turn to weigh in on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations.

The Hagstrom Report says the NFO called on the Trump Administration to be “cautious” when it comes to the negotiations, noting that there would be substantial fallout for American farmers and ranchers if the agreement is terminated.

Paul Olson, NFO President, says, “Canada and Mexico are two of the largest export markets for U.S. agriculture products, quadrupling since NAFTA began in 1994.” Olson stressed that revoking the agreement would be disastrous for commodity prices here in America. Mexico and Canada make up a significant share of American agricultural sales in commodities like corn, wheat, sorghum, red meat, and dairy products. Olson said National Farmers has long advocated for supply management in the U.S. However, he says farmers continue to produce more than the domestic market can use. Terminating NAFTA would not be good for the country’s job market, either. “Agriculture is not an isolated industry, either,” Olson says, “because our American farmers create jobs for others.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.